InteReg Team
We are 13 group leaders with different personal and scientific backgrounds, and what unites us is our Passion for Science
and our Dedication to translate our Basic findings into Therapeutic Solutions.
Claire Jacob, Speaker, group website ; Pol besenius, group website
Andreas Walther, Co-Speaker, group website ; Volker Mailänder, group website
Ari Waisman, Co-Speaker, group website ; Benedikt Berninger, group website
Katharina Landfester, group website ; Martin Heine, group website
Tanja Weil, group website ; Beat Lutz, group website
Maria Villiou, Junior group (AG Landfester) ; Maja Papic, Junior group (AG Waisman)
Himanshu Mishra, Junior group (starting in July 2025, AG Jacob)
For details on our Projects, follow this Link